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Food Addiction Institute
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I Did Not Think I Was Lovable, Today I Know I Am

In the 6th episode of Food Addiction: The Problem And The Solution, from the International School For Food Addiction Counseling and Treatment (INFACT) sponsored by the Food Addiction Institute (FAI), host Susan Branscome, FAI Board Member, talks with a recovered food addict, Dee.

Dee has maintained abstinence from sugar and excessive food consumption for 37 years. She has successfully kept off 100 pounds of extra weight during that entire time. The discussion about how shame and secrecy accompany the misuse of food to cope with life's stresses and challenges, is a compelling story familiar to many addicts who use food in a way that is similar to other substance use disorders.

"Recovery from food addiction has let me become the person I was meant to be," shares Dee.

After many failed attempts at dieting, Dee talks about the misery of not being able to control food on her own and how she finally found the solution to her food addiction in recovery. She believes when she became completely honest and embraced the practices around abstinence and worked with other addicts, she was able to achieve long term recovery from the disease of food addiction. Today she lives a full life and loves the serenity of not being focused on her weight or food.

About The INFACT School The International School for Food Addiction Counseling and Treatment (INFACT School) is the world's first and only food addiction counseling training, resulting in professional certification from an accredited certification body. Graduates qualify to receive a Certified Food Addiction Professional (CFAP) certificate from the European Certification Board and a CFAP from the The Addiction Professionals Certification Board. Registration is open for the September, 2023 term

This video is the 6th Episode of the podcast, Food Addiction: The Problem and The Solution sponsored by the Food Addiction Institute, produced by The International School for Food Addiction Counseling and Treatment (INFACT), and hosted by FAI Board member, Susan Branscome.

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The podcast is available on most podcast platforms including Apple, Spotify, iHeart, Amazon, Google, Pandora, and Podtail.

Listeners can also listen to the podcast on the INFACT School website, the INFACT Youtube channel, and the Mobile Food Addiction Institute on Spaces by Wix

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